Frequently Asked Questions

Where is your service area?

Our expert maids are available in the surrounding 15 miles from Bellevue . However, we are expanding our team and the area we cover every day so if you are not sure try booking online or call us. We’ll confirm in seconds.

How do I book a home cleaning?

If you’re online, simply select the service you want and click the Book Online button to get personalized pricing, schedule an appointment in real-time based on our actual availability, and receive a confirmation. It only takes 60 seconds. Use your smartphone, computer, or tablet. Or call us at 206-200-9536.

Do I need to be at home when you arrive for the cleaning?

That’s entirely up to you! If you’ve got other things to do, just let us know how we can get access to your home. Some customers provide a garage or door code, others leave a hidden key outside. Let us know when you book online or when you call-in your request. Whatever works for you will work for us! Just let us know what method you’re most comfortable with.

Do I need to supply the vacuum or cleaning products?

We come equipped with everything we need to make your home sparkle. But if you’d prefer that we use your cleaning products, just let us know when you book online or by phone.

Do you clean homes that have pets?

Yes, we do! And unlike most cleaning companies, we don’t charge a pet fee for the hair that we have to clean up. I’m a dog owner and huge pet fan, so it’s business as usual even if you have pets.

Will I receive reminders for single, recurring, or pre-paid bundle cleaning services?

When you book online or call us, you can select to receive a text message or email before each scheduled service. We typically send reminders one day and two hours before each cleaning appointment.

What if I’m not happy with the work you do for me?

Our reputation is our most valuable asset, so we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not satisfied, please contact us and we’ll make it right with a do-over.

How long will it take to clean my home?

Our time on-site will be based on the level of cleaning you select and the extras (if any) you order. When you order service, it will give you the length of time needed to complete the clean. And we also give that information when we send you our Welcome packet once we process your cleaning order.

How do I re-schedule or cancel a booked cleaning?

Rescheduling or cancelling is one click away. Or simply call us at or email us and we’ll update your booking. It just takes a few seconds and we’ll send you an updated booking confirmation. Our email service reminders can include a Reschedule and/or Cancel button which allows you to instantly reschedule or cancel your booking within pre-established periods prior to each service.

Can I set up repeat visits?

Yes, and you’ll save when you do. For each of our services you can select and schedule either recurring appointments or purchase pre-paid bundles and save instantly. Check out our home cleaning savings on our Live Pricing & Real-Time Booking Pages. We offer a discount for regular service, 5% for monthly service, 10% for Bi-weekly service and 15% for Weekly service.

How can I pay you?

We accept VISA, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover or PayPal through our convenient Live Pricing & Real-Time Booking Pages. Book online or call us.