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We welcome Rachel to our staff!

August 18, 2022

Rachel Primeau

We want to extend a real big welcome to Rachel Primeau to our staff as a Housekeeper. She comes with many years experience of having her own cleaning service and will be helping me with larger jobs while maintaining some of her own clients in her business. She has an inner drive and desire to offer clients the best cleaning for their money. So you won’t find her cutting corners or trying to get the job done early. You’ll find her doing little “extras” for you, I’m sure.

A company is only as good as it’s employees, my Grandfather taught me (He owned an office equipment dealership I worked at for 13 years) So it’s important I find the best employees and do what I can to keep them! Many people seem to think that all you have to do is pick up a bottle of Lysol and a rag a **BAM** You’re a HOUSEKEEPER! Well there is a WHOLE lot more to knowing what chemicals to use on what surfaces, the methods used and knowing what areas need cleaning as a whole. And the desire to do an EXCEPTIONAL job every time is not something everyone can say they possess.

Welcome aboard, Rachel!